HSBC Wealth Mobile Banking


HSBC targets to scale deliver the existing Equities trading journeys to multi-markets including Taiwan, United Arab Emirates, India, Indonesia, Canada. I was responsible for mobilizing the wealth management and Equities trading journeys in Taiwan and Canada, in which no mobile wealth/ investment services were provided to their local customers.


Old design toolkit

The existing Equities trading journeys have been released for 2 years. Some components are not aligned to the lastest design toolkit.

In-alignment between different products

We found that other products like Unit Trust have similar digital user flow, but they were built based on different markets and design toolkits, which makes the page structures and design components inalign. Users may have inconsistent user experience on trading different products in the same platform if journeys were duplicated to the same market.

Balance between local needs and global standards

Every market has its own localized context. HSBC aims to align all similar journeys to a global standard in terms of UX and UI design. Designers need to balance the user experience between local needs and global standards.

Design target

Update the design components to latest design toolkit

Align the trading experience between Equities and Unit Trust

Take a balance between localized needs and global standards

Analysis the experience between Unit Trust and Equities

They have a similar user journey, which mainly includes:
View my holdings

2. Product Exploration

3. Buy/Sell

4. Order Status tracking

We also compared the page structure and the content order. Designers collaborate with the business team to draft a new display order which fits the customer needs.

Some localized requirements

Up and down colours in Taiwan

In most of the western countries, GREEN represents positive, successful and safety; while RED represents negative, danger and warning. This colours are not uncommon to see on the up and down signs and figures in Stock Market. 


However, in some Asian countries/ regions, eg. Mainland China, Korean, Japan, Taiwan. The image of RED is in reverse, it represents positive and happiness. So based on the local cultural practice, the colour of UP and DOWN would be different.

6+ product types in Wealth portfolio chart in Canada

HSBC Canada provided 8 wealth products for clients to trade and invest. It’s the first market to have 6+ products shown on the wealth portfolio chart.


Based on the Chart Accessibility Recommendations from Highcharts, we should not show too many categories within any allocation charts eg. Pie chart, Stacked chart, it may makes the comparison too complicated.


As a result, we decided to keep the chart in a max. 6 categories, group the rest of the categories in the same colours, and name it as “X more” to make it clear.

Multiple investment entities in Canada

HSBC Canada provides 3 entities for investment, includes HSBC InvestDirect, HSBC Wealth Compass, HSBC Private Investment Counsel. In the current stage, we only launch InvestDirect. The rest of the entities are planned to be available in the future releases. We need to provide the seamless and easy access between these entities.


New standard in Equities and Unit Trust trading journey

After sync up the experience between products, we have a new standard of Equities and Unit Trust trading journey. Canada would be the 1st market to develop and release the new standard to the public. Taiwan and other market would enhance the design in the next release.

Consistent and reusable

Design are re-usable across products and markets. New pattern are only introduced when necessary.

Even there’re new products eg. crypto, bonds are released on mobile banking. We can use a similar user flow to kick start the exploration process.